Mary also got a very special gift from a special friend of hers, Stella!! Her mom is Sarah and they have been such a big help to Kate and I during this whole process. Having gone though a lot of the stuff Mary is going through right now, it is great to be able to call them at any time and ask questions. Thank you guys SO much. Here is a picture of Mary with the Bear and Balloon that Stella and Sarah sent.
In the other picture you can see that Mary is feeling much MUCH better. She was smiling at her nurse Robin, who was her
P.S. We also just had a visit from Jack, who is Connor's dad. Conner is Mary's friend who is 7 and has SMA Type 1. Jack was in Nashville for business so he stopped by to see Mary and bring us some lunch. That was SO nice of him!
I just checked over lunch - I'm so glad to see things improved over night. I'm sure you didn't get much sleep, but everyone looks much happier this morning :-)
Mary you are looking awesome!
Keep up the good job so you can get back home.
Big hugs,
Mary: Your Grandma Julie showed me your website on Sunday while we were at their house. That was the first that I was aware of your SMA. I was so happy to see that your surgery went so well. You are an absolutely gorgeous little lady. I have been praying for you and your Mom & Dad everyday since. Keep up the good job on getting better and before you know it you will be home again. God's Blessings to you!!
Hi Mary Grace! We are very glad ro hear you're feeling so much better today - in fact, you and your Mom look like you're having entirely too much fun in that photo in the chair! Keep up the good work, and we hope you get to go home real soon!
Jane and Bill
Oh Mary it is so great to see you in your mommy's lap and smiling! I can't tell you how happy we are to hear that you are better. You keep up the good work and in no time you will be home!
Love, Jan
Woo Hoooo!!! I'm so glad that she improved. We're praying like mad over here.
Love and Hugs,
John, Heather & Emma
p.s. Mary has the greatest smile I've ever seen
Mary-So happy that you are feeling much better! I think you're the "little engine that could". Lots of Love Grandma and Grandpa
Mary we are so glad you are feeling much better today. We can't wait for your return to home. We are all anxious to see how many cards you received on your door. Make sure you tell you Mommy and Daddy to take a picture!!
Hi Mary,
We are so happy that you are feeling much better. You'll be home in no time at all! Keep up the good work.
Rebecca, Brad & Addison
Hi again, Mary Grace!
Silly me, I put the wrong room number on the two cards Jane and I sent you! Can you ask your Mom and Dad to look out for them - they may end up heading for room 5225!
Meantime, keep feeling better, give our best to your Mom and Dad, and all of you will be back home together in no time!
Jane and Bill
We are so happy to see you sitting on Mommy's lap with your happy smile!
Love, Cindy & Ed
So glad to hear that things are on the upswing. I REALLY enjoyed seeing the pictures of Mary. Hope you can go home VERY soon.
Tina and Ally
Dear Mary, Kate & Ryan:
I've been checking to see if you were able to post an update. Hope things continue to go well. I know Grandma Windscheif is on her way. We are all thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery.
Jan, Nell and all the rest of the Whitcher family
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